LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libgnucash/engine - gnc-numeric.hpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 86.0 % 50 43
Test Date: 2025-02-07 16:25:45 Functions: 63.6 % 22 14
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: - 0 0

             Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :             : /********************************************************************
       2                 :             :  * gnc-numeric.hpp - A rational number library for int64            *
       3                 :             :  * Copyright 2017 John Ralls <>                   *
       4                 :             :  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    *
       5                 :             :  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   *
       6                 :             :  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   *
       7                 :             :  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.              *
       8                 :             :  *                                                                  *
       9                 :             :  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  *
      10                 :             :  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   *
      11                 :             :  * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the    *
      12                 :             :  * GNU General Public License for more details.                     *
      13                 :             :  *                                                                  *
      14                 :             :  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
      15                 :             :  * along with this program; if not, contact:                        *
      16                 :             :  *                                                                  *
      17                 :             :  * Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942       *
      18                 :             :  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652       *
      19                 :             :  * Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA                   *
      20                 :             :  *                                                                  *
      21                 :             :  *******************************************************************/
      22                 :             : 
      23                 :             : #ifndef __GNC_NUMERIC_HPP__
      24                 :             : #define __GNC_NUMERIC_HPP__
      25                 :             : 
      26                 :             : #include <string>
      27                 :             : #include <iostream>
      28                 :             : #include <locale>
      29                 :             : #include <typeinfo> // For std::bad_cast exception
      30                 :             : #include <cstdint>
      31                 :             : #include "gnc-rational-rounding.hpp"
      32                 :             : 
      33                 :             : class GncRational;
      34                 :             : 
      35                 :             : /**@ingroup QOF
      36                 :             :  *  @brief The primary numeric class for representing amounts and values.
      37                 :             :  *
      38                 :             :  * Calculations are generally performed in 128-bit (by converting to
      39                 :             :  * GncRational) and reducing the result. If the result would overflow a 64-bit
      40                 :             :  * representation then the GncNumeric(GncRational&) constructor will call
      41                 :             :  * GncRational::round_to_numeric() to get the value to fit. It will not raise an
      42                 :             :  * exception, so in the unlikely event that you need an error instead of
      43                 :             :  * rounding, use GncRational directly.
      44                 :             :  *
      45                 :             :  * Errors: Errors are signalled by exceptions as follows:
      46                 :             :  * * A zero denominator will raise a std::invalid_argument.
      47                 :             :  * * Division by zero will raise a std::underflow_error.
      48                 :             :  * * Overflowing 128 bits will raise a std::overflow_error.
      49                 :             :  * * Failure to convert a number as specified by the arguments to convert() will
      50                 :             :  * raise a std::domain_error.
      51                 :             :  *
      52                 :             :  * Rounding Policy: GncNumeric provides a convert() member function that object
      53                 :             :  * amount and value setters (and *only* those functions!) should call to set a
      54                 :             :  * number which is represented in the commodity's SCU. Since SCUs are seldom 18
      55                 :             :  * digits the convert may result in rounding, which will be performed in the
      56                 :             :  * method specified by the arguments passed to convert(). Overflows may result
      57                 :             :  * in internal rounding as described earlier.
      58                 :             :  */
      59                 :             : 
      60                 :             : class GncNumeric
      61                 :             : {
      62                 :             : public:
      63                 :             :     /**
      64                 :             :      * Default constructor provides the zero value.
      65                 :             :      */
      66                 :        3199 :     GncNumeric() : m_num (0), m_den(1) {}
      67                 :             :     /**
      68                 :             :      * Integer constructor.
      69                 :             :      *
      70                 :             :      * Unfortunately specifying a default for denom causes ambiguity errors with
      71                 :             :      * the other single-argument constructors on older versions of gcc, so one
      72                 :             :      * must always specify both arguments.
      73                 :             :      *
      74                 :             :      * \param num The Numerator
      75                 :             :      * \param denom The Denominator
      76                 :             :      */
      77                 :      505147 :     GncNumeric(int64_t num, int64_t denom) :
      78                 :      505147 :         m_num(num), m_den(denom) {
      79                 :      505147 :         if (denom == 0)
      80                 :           0 :             throw std::invalid_argument("Attempt to construct a GncNumeric with a 0 denominator.");
      81                 :      505147 :     }
      82                 :             :     /**
      83                 :             :      * GncRational constructor.
      84                 :             :      *
      85                 :             :      * This constructor will round rr's GncInt128s to fit into the int64_t
      86                 :             :      * members using RoundType::half-down.
      87                 :             :      *
      88                 :             :      * \param rr A GncRational.
      89                 :             :      */
      90                 :             :     GncNumeric(GncRational rr);
      91                 :             :     /**
      92                 :             :      * gnc_numeric constructor, used for interfacing old code. This function
      93                 :             :      * should not be used outside of gnc-numeric.cpp.
      94                 :             :      *
      95                 :             :      * \param in A gnc_numeric.
      96                 :             :      */
      97                 :      867276 :     GncNumeric(gnc_numeric in) : m_num(in.num), m_den(in.denom)
      98                 :             :     {
      99                 :      867276 :         if (in.denom == 0)
     100                 :           0 :             throw std::invalid_argument("Attempt to construct a GncNumeric with a 0 denominator.");
     101                 :             :         /* gnc_numeric has a dumb convention that a negative denominator means
     102                 :             :          * to multiply the numerator by the denominator instead of dividing.
     103                 :             :          */
     104                 :      867276 :         if (in.denom < 0)
     105                 :             :         {
     106                 :           0 :             m_num *= -in.denom;
     107                 :           0 :             m_den = 1;
     108                 :             :         }
     109                 :      867276 :     }
     110                 :             :     /**
     111                 :             :      * Double constructor.
     112                 :             :      *
     113                 :             :      * @param d The double to be converted. In order to fit in an int64_t, its
     114                 :             :      * absolute value must be < 1e18; if its absolute value is < 1e-18 it will
     115                 :             :      * be represented as 0, though for practical purposes nearly all commodities
     116                 :             :      * will round to zero at 1e-9 or larger.
     117                 :             :      */
     118                 :             :     GncNumeric(double d);
     119                 :             : 
     120                 :             :     /**
     121                 :             :      * String constructor.
     122                 :             :      *
     123                 :             :      * Accepts integer values in decimal and hexadecimal. Does not accept
     124                 :             :      * thousands separators. If the string contains a '/' it is taken to
     125                 :             :      * separate the numerator and denominator; if it contains either a '.' or a
     126                 :             :      * ',' it is taken as a decimal point and the integers on either side will
     127                 :             :      * be combined and a denominator will be the appropriate power of 10. If
     128                 :             :      * neither is present the number will be treated as an integer and m_den
     129                 :             :      * will be set to 1.
     130                 :             :      *
     131                 :             :      * Whitespace around a '/' is ignored. A correctly-formatted number will be
     132                 :             :      * extracted from a larger string.
     133                 :             :      *
     134                 :             :      * Numbers that cannot be represented with int64_ts will throw
     135                 :             :      * std::out_of_range unless a decimal point is found (see above). A 0
     136                 :             :      * denominator will cause the constructor to throw std::underflow_error. An
     137                 :             :      * empty string or one which contains no recognizable number will result in
     138                 :             :      * std::invalid_argument.
     139                 :             :      */
     140                 :             :     GncNumeric(const std::string& str, bool autoround=false);
     141                 :             :     GncNumeric(const GncNumeric& rhs) = default;
     142                 :             :     GncNumeric(GncNumeric&& rhs) = default;
     143                 :             :     GncNumeric& operator=(const GncNumeric& rhs) = default;
     144                 :             :     GncNumeric& operator=(GncNumeric&& rhs) = default;
     145                 :             :     ~GncNumeric() = default;
     146                 :             :     /**
     147                 :             :      * gnc_numeric conversion. Use static_cast<gnc_numeric>(foo)
     148                 :             :      */
     149                 :             :     operator gnc_numeric() const noexcept;
     150                 :             :     /**
     151                 :             :      * double conversion. Use static_cast<double>(foo)
     152                 :             :      */
     153                 :             :     operator double() const noexcept;
     154                 :             : 
     155                 :             :     /**
     156                 :             :      * Accessor for numerator value.
     157                 :             :      */
     158                 :     1106058 :     int64_t num() const noexcept { return m_num; }
     159                 :             :     /**
     160                 :             :      * Accessor for denominator value.
     161                 :             :      */
     162                 :      519620 :     int64_t denom() const noexcept { return m_den; }
     163                 :             :     /**
     164                 :             :      * @return A GncNumeric with the opposite sign.
     165                 :             :      */
     166                 :             :     GncNumeric operator-() const noexcept;
     167                 :             :     /**
     168                 :             :      * @return 0 if this == 0 else 1/this.
     169                 :             :      */
     170                 :             :     GncNumeric inv() const noexcept;
     171                 :             :     /**
     172                 :             :      * @return -this if this < 0 else this.
     173                 :             :      */
     174                 :             :     GncNumeric abs() const noexcept;
     175                 :             :     /**
     176                 :             :      * Return an equivalent fraction with all common factors between the
     177                 :             :      * numerator and the denominator removed.
     178                 :             :      *
     179                 :             :      * @return reduced GncNumeric
     180                 :             :      */
     181                 :             :     GncNumeric reduce() const noexcept;
     182                 :             :     /**
     183                 :             :      * Convert a GncNumeric to use a new denominator. If rounding is necessary
     184                 :             :      * use the indicated template specification. For example, to use half-up
     185                 :             :      * rounding you'd call bar = foo.convert<RoundType::half_up>(1000). If you
     186                 :             :      * specify RoundType::never this will throw std::domain_error if rounding is
     187                 :             :      * required.
     188                 :             :      *
     189                 :             :      * \param new_denom The new denominator to convert the fraction to.
     190                 :             :      * \return A new GncNumeric having the requested denominator.
     191                 :             :      */
     192                 :             :     template <RoundType RT>
     193                 :      503089 :     GncNumeric convert(int64_t new_denom) const
     194                 :             :     {
     195                 :      503089 :         auto params = prepare_conversion(new_denom);
     196                 :      503074 :         if (new_denom == GNC_DENOM_AUTO)
     197                 :      327635 :             new_denom = m_den;
     198                 :      503074 :         if (params.rem == 0)
     199                 :      496842 :             return GncNumeric(params.num, new_denom);
     200                 :        6232 :         return GncNumeric(round(params.num, params.den,
     201                 :        6232 :                                 params.rem, RT2T<RT>()), new_denom);
     202                 :             :     }
     203                 :             : 
     204                 :             :     /**
     205                 :             :      * Convert with the specified sigfigs. The resulting denominator depends on
     206                 :             :      * the value of the GncNumeric, such that the specified significant digits
     207                 :             :      * are retained in the numerator and the denominator is always a power of
     208                 :             :      * 10. This is of rather dubious benefit in an accounting program, but it's
     209                 :             :      * used in several places so it needs to be implemented.
     210                 :             :      *
     211                 :             :      * @param figs The number of digits to use for the numerator.
     212                 :             :      * @return A GncNumeric with the specified number of digits in the numerator
     213                 :             :      * and the appropriate power-of-ten denominator.
     214                 :             :      */
     215                 :             :     template <RoundType RT>
     216                 :          33 :     GncNumeric convert_sigfigs(unsigned int figs) const
     217                 :             :     {
     218                 :          33 :         auto new_denom(sigfigs_denom(figs));
     219                 :          33 :         auto params = prepare_conversion(new_denom);
     220                 :          33 :         if (new_denom == 0) //It had better not, but just in case...
     221                 :           0 :             new_denom = 1;
     222                 :          33 :         if (params.rem == 0)
     223                 :          32 :             return GncNumeric(params.num, new_denom);
     224                 :           1 :         return GncNumeric(round(params.num, params.den,
     225                 :           1 :                                 params.rem, RT2T<RT>()), new_denom);
     226                 :             :     }
     227                 :             :     /**
     228                 :             :      * Return a string representation of the GncNumeric. See operator<< for
     229                 :             :      * details.
     230                 :             :      */
     231                 :             :     std::string to_string() const noexcept;
     232                 :             :     /**
     233                 :             :      * @return true if the denominator is a power of ten, false otherwise.
     234                 :             :      */
     235                 :             :     bool is_decimal() const noexcept;
     236                 :             :     /**
     237                 :             :      * Convert the numeric to have a power-of-10 denominator if possible without
     238                 :             :      * rounding. Throws a std::range_error on failure; the message will explain
     239                 :             :      * the details.
     240                 :             :      *
     241                 :             :      * @param max_places exponent of the largest permissible denominator.
     242                 :             :      * @return A GncNumeric value with the new denominator.
     243                 :             :      */
     244                 :             :     GncNumeric to_decimal(unsigned int max_places=17) const;
     245                 :             :     /**
     246                 :             :      * \defgroup gnc_numeric_mutators
     247                 :             :      *
     248                 :             :      * These are the standard mutating operators. They use GncRational's
     249                 :             :      * operators and then call the GncRational constructor, which will silently
     250                 :             :      * round half-down.
     251                 :             :      *
     252                 :             :      * @{
     253                 :             :      */
     254                 :             :     void operator+=(GncNumeric b);
     255                 :             :     void operator-=(GncNumeric b);
     256                 :             :     void operator*=(GncNumeric b);
     257                 :             :     void operator/=(GncNumeric b);
     258                 :             :     /* @} */
     259                 :             :     /** Compare function
     260                 :             :      *  \defgroup gnc_numeric_comparison
     261                 :             :      *  @param b GncNumeric or int to compare to.
     262                 :             :      *  @return -1 if this < b, 0 if ==, 1 if this > b.
     263                 :             :      * @{
     264                 :             :      */
     265                 :             :     int cmp(GncNumeric b);
     266                 :             :     int cmp(int64_t b) { return cmp(GncNumeric(b, 1)); }
     267                 :             :     /** @} */
     268                 :             : private:
     269                 :             :     struct round_param
     270                 :             :     {
     271                 :             :         int64_t num;
     272                 :             :         int64_t den;
     273                 :             :         int64_t rem;
     274                 :             :     };
     275                 :             :     /* Calculates the denominator required to convert to figs sigfigs. */
     276                 :             :     int64_t sigfigs_denom(unsigned figs) const noexcept;
     277                 :             :     /* Calculates a round_param struct to pass to a rounding function that will
     278                 :             :      * finish computing a GncNumeric with the new denominator.
     279                 :             :      */
     280                 :             :     round_param prepare_conversion(int64_t new_denom) const;
     281                 :             :     int64_t m_num;
     282                 :             :     int64_t m_den;
     283                 :             : };
     284                 :             : 
     285                 :             : /**
     286                 :             :  * \defgroup gnc_numeric_arithmetic_operators
     287                 :             :  * @{
     288                 :             :  * Normal arithmetic operators. The class arithmetic operators are implemented
     289                 :             :  * in terms of these operators. They use GncRational operators internally then
     290                 :             :  * call the GncNumeric(GncRational&) constructor which will silently round
     291                 :             :  * half-down to obtain int64_t members.
     292                 :             :  *
     293                 :             :  * These operators can throw std::overflow_error, std::underflow_error, or
     294                 :             :  * std::invalid argument as indicated in the class GncNumeric documentation.
     295                 :             :  *
     296                 :             :  * \param a The right-side operand
     297                 :             :  * \param b The left-side operand
     298                 :             :  * \return A GncNumeric computed from the operation.
     299                 :             :  */
     300                 :             : GncNumeric operator+(GncNumeric a, GncNumeric b);
     301                 :             : inline GncNumeric operator+(GncNumeric a, int64_t b)
     302                 :             : {
     303                 :             :     return a + GncNumeric(b, 1);
     304                 :             : }
     305                 :             : inline GncNumeric operator+(int64_t a, GncNumeric b)
     306                 :             : {
     307                 :             :     return b + GncNumeric(a, 1);
     308                 :             : }
     309                 :             : GncNumeric operator-(GncNumeric a, GncNumeric b);
     310                 :             : inline GncNumeric operator-(GncNumeric a, int64_t b)
     311                 :             : {
     312                 :             :     return a - GncNumeric(b, 1);
     313                 :             : }
     314                 :             : inline GncNumeric operator-(int64_t a, GncNumeric b)
     315                 :             : {
     316                 :             :     return b - GncNumeric(a, 1);
     317                 :             : }
     318                 :             : GncNumeric operator*(GncNumeric a, GncNumeric b);
     319                 :             : inline GncNumeric operator*(GncNumeric a, int64_t b)
     320                 :             : {
     321                 :             :     return a * GncNumeric(b, 1);
     322                 :             : }
     323                 :             : inline GncNumeric operator*(int64_t a, GncNumeric b)
     324                 :             : {
     325                 :             :     return b * GncNumeric(a, 1);
     326                 :             : }
     327                 :             : GncNumeric operator/(GncNumeric a, GncNumeric b);
     328                 :             : inline GncNumeric operator/(GncNumeric a, int64_t b)
     329                 :             : {
     330                 :             :     return a / GncNumeric(b, 1);
     331                 :             : }
     332                 :             : inline GncNumeric operator/(int64_t a, GncNumeric b)
     333                 :             : {
     334                 :             :     return b / GncNumeric(a, 1);
     335                 :             : }
     336                 :             : /** @} */
     337                 :             : /**
     338                 :             :  * std::stream output operator. Uses standard integer operator<< so should obey
     339                 :             :  * locale rules. Numbers are presented as integers if the denominator is 1, as a
     340                 :             :  * decimal if the denominator is a multiple of 10, otherwise as
     341                 :             :  * "numerator/denominator".
     342                 :             :  */
     343                 :             : std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, GncNumeric);
     344                 :             : 
     345                 :             : /* Implementation adapted from "The C++ Standard Library, Second Edition" by
     346                 :             :  * Nicolai M. Josuttis, Addison-Wesley, 2012, ISBN 978-0-321-62321-8.
     347                 :             :  */
     348                 :             : template <typename charT, typename traits>
     349                 :         284 : std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& s, GncNumeric n)
     350                 :             : {
     351                 :         284 :     std::basic_ostringstream<charT, traits> ss;
     352                 :         284 :     std::locale loc = s.getloc();
     353                 :         284 :     ss.imbue(loc);
     354                 :         284 :     auto dec_pt = static_cast<charT>('.');
     355                 :             :     try
     356                 :             :     {
     357                 :         284 :         dec_pt = std::use_facet<std::numpunct<charT>>(loc).decimal_point();
     358                 :             :     }
     359                 :           0 :     catch(const std::bad_cast& err) {} //Don't do anything, num_sep is already set.
     360                 :             : 
     361                 :         284 :     ss.copyfmt(s);
     362                 :         284 :     ss.width(0);
     363                 :         284 :     if (n.denom() == 1)
     364                 :           4 :          ss << n.num();
     365                 :         280 :     else if (n.is_decimal())
     366                 :         280 :         ss << n.num() / n.denom() << dec_pt
     367                 :         280 :            << (n.num() > 0 ? n.num() : -n.num()) % n.denom();
     368                 :             :     else
     369                 :           0 :         ss << n.num() << "/" << n.denom();
     370                 :         284 :     s << ss.str();
     371                 :         284 :     return s;
     372                 :         284 : }
     373                 :             : 
     374                 :             : /**
     375                 :             :  * std::stream input operator.
     376                 :             :  *
     377                 :             :  * Doesn't do any special space handling, spaces in the input stream will
     378                 :             :  * delimit elements. The result will be that if a number is presented as "123 /
     379                 :             :  * 456", the resulting GncNumeric will be 123/1 and the rest will go to the next
     380                 :             :  * parameter in the stream call. The GncNumeric will be constructed with the
     381                 :             :  * string constructor with autorounding. It will throw in the event of any
     382                 :             :  * errors noted in the string constructor documentation.
     383                 :             :  */
     384                 :             : /* Implementation adapted from "The C++ Standard Library, Second Edition" by
     385                 :             :  * Nicolai M. Josuttis, Addison-Wesley, 2012, ISBN 978-0-321-62321-8.
     386                 :             :  */
     387                 :             : template <typename charT, typename traits>
     388                 :             : std::basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(std::basic_istream<charT, traits>& s, GncNumeric& n)
     389                 :             : {
     390                 :             :     std::basic_string<charT, traits> instr;
     391                 :             :     s >> instr;
     392                 :             :     if (s)
     393                 :             :         n = GncNumeric(instr, true);
     394                 :             :     return s;
     395                 :             : }
     396                 :             : 
     397                 :             : /**
     398                 :             :  * @return -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b, 1 if a > b.
     399                 :             :  */
     400                 :             : inline int cmp(GncNumeric a, GncNumeric b) { return a.cmp(b); }
     401                 :             : inline int cmp(GncNumeric a, int64_t b) { return a.cmp(b); }
     402                 :             : inline int cmp(int64_t a, GncNumeric b) { return GncNumeric(a, 1).cmp(b); }
     403                 :             : 
     404                 :             : /**
     405                 :             :  * \defgroup gnc_numeric_comparison_operators
     406                 :             :  * @{
     407                 :             :  * Standard comparison operators, which do what one would expect.
     408                 :             :  */
     409                 :             : inline bool operator<(GncNumeric a, GncNumeric b) { return cmp(a, b) < 0; }
     410                 :             : inline bool operator<(GncNumeric a, int64_t b) { return cmp(a, b) < 0; }
     411                 :             : inline bool operator<(int64_t a, GncNumeric b) { return cmp(a, b) < 0; }
     412                 :             : inline bool operator>(GncNumeric a, GncNumeric b) { return cmp(a, b) > 0; }
     413                 :             : inline bool operator>(GncNumeric a, int64_t b) { return cmp(a, b) > 0; }
     414                 :             : inline bool operator>(int64_t a, GncNumeric b) { return cmp(a, b) > 0; }
     415                 :             : inline bool operator==(GncNumeric a, GncNumeric b) { return cmp(a, b) == 0; }
     416                 :             : inline bool operator==(GncNumeric a, int64_t b) { return cmp(a, b) == 0; }
     417                 :             : inline bool operator==(int64_t a, GncNumeric b) { return cmp(a, b) == 0; }
     418                 :             : inline bool operator<=(GncNumeric a, GncNumeric b) { return cmp(a, b) <= 0; }
     419                 :             : inline bool operator<=(GncNumeric a, int64_t b) { return cmp(a, b) <= 0; }
     420                 :             : inline bool operator<=(int64_t a, GncNumeric b) { return cmp(a, b) <= 0; }
     421                 :             : inline bool operator>=(GncNumeric a, GncNumeric b) { return cmp(a, b) >= 0; }
     422                 :             : inline bool operator>=(GncNumeric a, int64_t b) { return cmp(a, b) >= 0; }
     423                 :             : inline bool operator>=(int64_t a, GncNumeric b) { return cmp(a, b) >= 0; }
     424                 :             : inline bool operator!=(GncNumeric a, GncNumeric b) { return cmp(a, b) != 0; }
     425                 :             : inline bool operator!=(GncNumeric a, int64_t b) { return cmp(a, b) != 0; }
     426                 :             : inline bool operator!=(int64_t a, GncNumeric b) { return cmp(a, b) != 0; }
     427                 :             : /** @} */
     428                 :             : /**
     429                 :             :  * Convenience function to quickly return 10**digits.
     430                 :             :  * \param digits The desired exponent. Maximum value is 17.
     431                 :             :  * \return 10**digits
     432                 :             :  */
     433                 :             : int64_t powten(unsigned int digits);
     434                 :             : 
     435                 :             : #endif // __GNC_NUMERIC_HPP__

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